Ode to Hot Evening Showers

O, evening shower, my steamy retreat,
where the world fades out in a rush of heat.
You drum soft rhythms on mildewed tile and tattooed skin,
an emo symphony only I bathe within.

Once, I stood here with glass in hand,
whiskey waves, a reckless plan.
Now my best ideas rise with the mist and swirl,
clearer than ever, like soap bubbles unfurled.

I strip the weight of the day away,
shampoo and regret swirl down the drain.
Here, I am nothing but skin and breath,
reborn each night in the heat of the drain's depths.

So let the world wait—I’ll take my time,
beneath this downpour, purely mine.
For here, I think, I heal, I dream,
wrapped in the hush of the rising steam.