Pawn the Dawn

deep in the depths of this upcoming Autumn,
I will vow to be better, get back to wearing sweaters,
move on, and appreciate the mornings more
with coffee, content, clever comedic musings,
and maybe I will fall in love with someone new.

trading the past for the future
seems like a no brainer,
and I can always go back
to buy the nights that were right,
but the reward is outweighing the risk. 

summer sucks so I will keep hiding
until I feel like it's okay
for me to emerge from my cave,
give each day another chance,
it's such a gamble. 

but it's time to make new memories
on new streets that I used to hate,
get myself a new skateboard and just cruise,
write, listen to new music, buy back my soul,
and keep waking up.