I hate everything tonight.

I hate the people who post "inspirational" messages on their Instagram.
I hate DirectTV for wasting two hours of my life for nothing and with no accountability.
I hate being hot.
I hate that I forgot to record my set from the other night.
I hate that I still think about Kendra Jean every damn day.
I hate being sober at times like these.
I hate Wal-Mart.
I hate that I sent copies of my books to some folks and they didn't receive them.
I hate poetry.
I hate Florida.
I hate that I love Ruffles potato chips so much.
I hate that my back hurts.
I hate that I am not further along in my career.
I hate my high school guidance counselor for not actually guiding me.
I hate Three Rooms Press.
I hate the Cloud.
I hate how much I am on my phone.
I hate that I am impatient, always.
I hate the Ghostbusters tattoo on my butt.
I hate that time machines don't exist.