Never Say Forever

get your giggle
pushed down by vinyl,
whose boat is this boat?

I am still an uptown boy,
and today is Opening Day,
so I let the excitement in.

Peanuts and baseball,
no booze,
just lonesome clues.

Daniel is going to the game,
I am hiding in Hempstead,
eating watery eggs
and drinking thick espresso.

I hear the neighbors
stomping around their living room;
I will smoke with them later.

I am recording the game,
because I have a chiropractor appointment
at 2pm, so don't text me
with spoilers or scores.

I wish I could live
in a normal day like this
forever and ever,
just normal stuff,
slight excitement
and something to do,
errands to run.

Let's add an opening day game
to my bucket list,
along with Brazil,
which is happening in June.

Do they get Yankee games
on hotel television
in Sao Paulo?