The Saturday Song of Lapsang Souchong

The smell of burnt wood and camphor
wafts through the whole room,
the sound of Breukelen outside
brings bustling and music, beeps and beats...
I just signed up for more chaos.

Doodling on a napkin for no good reason
other than I am waiting for the tea
as it is steeping and I am trying to be present,
not on my phone in little moments which add up.

Noodling in life, because Vonnegut was right,
we are here to fart around;
while Drag has those sexy collarbones,
I hurt my Tensor Fasciae Latae,
so I just drink my tea in front of me,
take life as it comes, turn it into inspiration.

Carpe Diem-ing while I can,
cuz the flip side to the fear of failure
is Success—in all things, in whatever we do—
still comes from that same acquiesce, 
from the joyous acceptance of what’s in front of us, 
even suffering and difficulty (or tea).