never skip the embodied reference to the foundations that help me believe

I am going to make a country album one day,
but it will be all about the neighborhood of Yorkville in Manhattan,
and be drenched in airport beers and the fears of a 30 year old man
who has a plan but doesn't know how to...

All these LinkedIn losers and Instagram idiots
talk about and talk to creatives who have sold a boat load
of books or bullshit about this or that, 
but they never talk about the upcoming creative
who is carving their art in trees in Central Park
or working three jobs to pay rent and keep creating. 

I used to adhere to made-up deadlines because I thought I was going to die,
but now I don't do that dance because I am afraid to die,
like once something is done or on the verge of attention,
I will croak and it will be part of Hashem's joke.