The Bards of Bedford

I say goodbye for now
at the window of Vinnie's Pizza.
Christina Kisses me.

I don't know how long
for now
will be this time round. 

She is a Scorpio
from Portland,
emphasizing Maine, not Oregon. 

Her baggage is lighter than mine,
even though I recently
switched from duffle to Away. 

We want this to be real,
and that want is real,
but that's about it. 

She kisses me,
walks away without turning around;
I book an Uber. 

A poet, too,
a pretty 30-year-old,
pretending with the best of them.

Her Shakespeare tattoo
quotes Measure for Measure:
Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure...

She finally tells me
via text.
Of course her middle name is Jean.