
when it has nothing to do
with anything else,
she really loves
being a woman. 

she likes vegan candles —
whatever that means 
(I mean, do you eat them?)
and I like her hair and her garden. 

when it has nothing to do
with anything else,
I really love
falling in love. 

and I really love her
from afar,
via Instagram posts
in which she cries over the zodiac. 

when it has nothing to do
with anything else,
she corrects my comma use
and I can't complain. 

she gives me praying hands
when I send her poetry places
to submit her stunning words,
almost as stunning as her. 

when it has nothing to do
with anything else,
I think we have nothing to lose
if we were to give it a try. 

like the butterfly bush
that blooms but is destined to rot,
because it is too small and close to the ground,
but maybe it will grow large. 

when it has nothing to do
with anything else,
in another lifetime
we were scorching lovers.