Happy to Be a Basic Bitch

I am happy to be a basic bitch,
humored by the little things,
like celebrating Friday
with the hashtag #FriYay
and the emoji 🍟,
because I was complicated
for so long,
therefore embracing this basic side
is a bastion of hope
that I can evolve 
into a simple man
without drama or fear or loathing,
especially in the face of adversity.

So gimme my latte,
my HGTV,
quiet mornings,
bored afternoons,
forgetting certain people even exist,
skipping poetry for playtime,
signing off social media forever
without even a post,
just a ghost in the matrix,
a dumb dad in shorts 
(the new shorts that are shorter,
above the knee),
cuz I am happy to be a basic bitch.