I am scared of my hands

they now hurt every morning,
and they hurt people every evening. 

they write about lost love
and they let me down like love itself. 

TBH, I miss her phone gulps,
especially before Tampa tantrums. 

my hands made a phonecall last evening
that I regret more than most, because of vulnerability. 

but ultimately I am just a scared boy in the body of a man,
trying to do the darndest he can. 

he is me,
and my hands are mine. 

sizzle my whole preaching, 
oh shit, I don't even care. 

my hands will ruin today
with tape and twine. 

gotta ask the sweet boy, Dr. Joseph Jose
about the pain, but still drain a three.

bury below a damn thing right,
or meet me, before I die, on an empty street. 

I'll write you a poem,
only to be forgotten.