Louder Than Death - The Future is Punk

we are all made out of shipwrecks.
so let's be barnacles.
we only have what we remember.
my pillow is quiet but hates my head.

in just a few more weeks.
I will be scattered.
so let's kill the throat with cake.
fools rusted by machines.

I want to live forever.
but forever is fucked for love.
sew me together.
and let the song end before you restart it again.

attack the time of tomorrow.
like a mosh pit make believe thing.
just make it real.
call it a horse on fire, but the fire is on the inside.

let's not talk about the weather.
whether we suck cute ironies or not.
let the hangover help the healing.
we all write punk rock songs about life but we just write them different.