the largest sea monster

the largest sea monster is me,
but I can't swim in your dreams,
because I am tethered to the shore
like a dumb man, thinking that I am
more than I am. 

I am not. 

sweating in a red shirt hoodie,
I am just a lost soul who
doesn't know if souls are real
and wishing they were
while working to eat.

I am.

not much more
than a fool
thinking about love
outside of love
within love. 


I am more
and maybe I am less than
the devil
who paints blueprints
on my shoes.

where I go.

deep in the goodbye
of time,
outside of where we
call time minutes and moments,
besides memories. 

I will eat you.

while you float on your back
wishing poetry didn't exist
and looking up at the black stars
of tomorrow, hoping tomorrow were real,
but it isn't.