eat a koala bear and shut the fuck up

the air condition comes on 
and makes my life easier,
plus it shuts up cold JerrBear
who just wants to talk about Jesus
and shit on Judiasm. 

man oh man,
how did I get here?
sure, hockey is great
and sweating my dick off
is something people say is good,
but I hate the climate of my life right. 

I feel the need,
the need to leave,
and so I watch Top Gun
and book a flight to LA,
open ended but far away,
so I double down
with a flight to NYC
just for the fuck of it,
plus I will get to sniff out Kendra Jean. 

it's been too long,
and I have eaten to many pretzels,
so my belly hurts,
but the bitch of it all
is I mean every werd
and saxophone spirit,
no matter how wayward 
or pseudo real.

this is real to me
and I give a fuck,
for fuck's sake,

my hair falls in my face,
and I am in one place,
just for a comedic sec,
and then I am searching,
like before but better than snoring.