walk them to the truth

as a poet,
my job is to walk life
all the way to the mountain
of truth,
however honest, however absurd.

if a sandwich is your life,
it is my job
to write, in detail,
about the mayo and the might
of every bite. 

if you are my love,
were my love,
about to be my love,
my duty is to write
what the heart bleeds.

as a poet,
my job is to walk every damn day
to the horizon of everything,
with art and metaphor,
four or five times a second.

if love has affected you
and yet you still run and hide,
then you aren't a poet,
for only true poets
are addicted to purging love onto pages.

wildfires in wars,
concern for the past,
envy for the unknown,
fear for the future,
excited to hit the typewriter.

as a poet, 
it is my job
to make big things small
and small things larger than life,
including life itself