Caught Looking

I am using my Super Bowl money
to get a new computer this marching,
and now going through this truth,
especially while it is happening,
there are 4 playlists that start with KJ.

My hands on a wheel,
going in a direction
I don't really care about,
listening to a love that acts as last,
and I wish I could still prove you wrong.

Twenty two percent of me
is back in New York
while 5% is still stuck in the south,
but nothing much matters
when a song draws your swords.

I feel like a fool,
because I have nothing left to give
and nothing much to lose,
so just stop blocking me
and let's live in spaces like this.

Because you are, you were,
the only one, but now time
has eaten the soul of this,
and there is no turning back
and I am okay with that.

I use music and poetry
as devices to tell these stories,
and I am still yours,
but let's call a winter night
a capital day, because you were the only one.