When I Was a Young American Man

when I was a young American man,
everywhere I turned something was wrong -
that way and this,
nothing made sense.

now I am old,
and a little too proud.

When I was a young American man,
every challenge seemed ripe to burn
and turn into coal
for the fire in my heart.

what's the use in growing up
if you just give up?

when I was a young American man,
it took so long to see
that love was all you need
instead of bleeding.

I stole kisses
from dumb young American women.

when I was a young American man,
i just saw the sky
and the airplanes going other places,
other than where I stood.

I told myself
that living is louder than this quiet place.

when I was a young American man,
I dreamed of forever,
writing it all down,
but not filling silence for no reason.